Sacred Heart of Mary Cemetery (St. Mary's Cemetery) is located on Roberts Blvd. east of I-549 on lands that previous belonged to the US Government at Fort Chaffee, AR.  This is a private burial ground for Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church of Barling, AR, established under the St. Benedictine Order in about 1902.  Two acres of land was originally donated by the Weindel family for a church and cemetery.  In 1904 the church building was moved to the present loaction and the burial gound has remained in its original loaction.  The church retains the right to sell the cemetery lots and approve the individual's right of burial in this sacred ground.

It is duly noted that the family members of the "Prince of the Hangman," George, Maledon, are buried in this cemetery.  Mr. George Maledon was the special executioner deputy federal marshal who hanged about sixty individuals sentenced by the federal Judge Isaac Parker,  The burial of George Maledon took place in Johnson County, TN in 1911.

Please contact Rodney Riser at 452-1795 ext. 105 for availability.